Community Resources
Based on recent and ongoing aerial surveys in 2017, about 75,000 acres of ʻōhiʻa forest currently show symptoms of Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death disease on the Island of Hawaiʻi. Click below to find out about Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death, ROD, and how it is affecting our native forest.
What would happen if we were cut off from the rest of Hawaii in a disaster? There is a plan and you can read about it here.
Click the button above to read or download a 5 page illustrated article on controlling coqui frogs in the Volcano area. If printing please choose landscape orientation.
BUILDING IN THE FOREST brochure (2021 Update)
Our tips for building forest-friendly homes with inserted list of local
contractors and other resources. Hard copies are available at the VCA
Sunday Farmers Market table.
Download Brochure(PDF)
Resources Insert (PDF)
This manual emphasizes the propagation of native plants in the rainforests of Volcano, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Learn the basics of how to grow your own native plants for your yard or forest restoration project. Learn the secrets of germinating any kind of seed, making cuttings, and air layers, even how to grow ferns from spores.
Please Note: Click on image to the left to open file. The file is about 2 MB and may take a while to download. If you wish to print one copy of the file you will need 23 pages and a lot of ink. The orientation should be set to landscape and if your printer is able to print double-sided this will at least save you paper.
Hawaiian ecosystems require active management, i.e., restoration, because of the success of invasive species in our islands. The first step in restoring this forest stand is to remove the invasive species. The next steps will be to control the grass that will probably invade the site, monitor the recovery of native species, and reintroduce native species that are not recovering on their own. So, the answer to the question, "Why Restore Native Forest?" is that it gives our local damaged, degraded forests a future as native ecosystems and it returns biological diversity to these systems.
Please Note: Click on image to the left to open file. This is a large file, about 5 MB and may take a while to download. If you wish to print one copy of the file you will need 45 pages and a lot of ink. The orientation should be set to landscape and if your printer is able to print double-sided this will at least save you paper.
This manual emphasizes weed management in native ecosystems in Volcano, Hawaii, but many of the same weeds are problems in landscaping, gardens, and agricultural areas, and many of the control strategies and methods work in all of these settings. The manual also includes tactics or specific techniques or "tricks" useful in implementing these strategies.
Please Note: Click on image to the left to open file. This is a large file, about 10 MB and may take a while to download. If you wish to print one copy of the file you will need 63 pages and a lot of ink. The orientation should be set to landscape and if your printer is able to print double-sided this will at least save you paper.

Volcano's community center, located at 19-4030 Wright Road in Volcano. Cooper Center hosts the Sunday Farmers' Market, Thrift Store / Bookstore, and more. Website: thecoopercenter.org. (Note: VCA works closely with the Cooper Center Council but is a separate organization.)
The Hele-On Bus runs from downtown Hilo to Volcano and beyond several times a day.
Call 808-961-8744 or visit: www.heleonbus.org/schedules-and-maps/kau-volcano-hilo

Weekly Meeting Thursdays - 7:30am
Volcano Art Center - Hale Ho'omana, 19-4074, 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd,
Website: www.volcanorotary.org
Eruption information and more: 808-985-6000 - Website: www.nps.gov/havo